A year after Pulse shooting, same questions (Vanity Fair)
Vanity Fair just surprised me with this tweet:
A year after the Pulse shooting in Orlando, V.F. contributor @DaveCullen's questions sti

Where were you the night John Lennon died?
when the news broke that John Lennon had been shot outside his New York residence and was pronounced dead on arrival at Roosevelt Hospital.

Eric's 'Hitmen For Hire' assignment added to Columbine Guide
Today I uploaded Eric Harris' kind of shocking 'Hitmen For Hire' school assignment to The Columbine Guide. It's dated four months before...

Dylan Klebold's full journal added to revamped Columbine Guide
I am nearly through overhauling The Columbine Guide. I've just added the full contents of Dylan Klebold's journal, broken chronologically...