Russian and Portuguese translations of 'Columbine' just announced
This is exciting news for me. I get emails from readers all the time asking if the book is available in their native language, and sadly,...

Back to Madame Bovary
I gave up on this gorgeous novel on p. 56 on November 1, because it was so meandering to the point of near plotlessness. But I gave my...

Lolita, astonishing
How did I think Vladimir Nabokov devoted 300 pages to just an old man craving a 12-year-old girl? I'm 130 pages into Lolita and no...

Lolita! 3rd time's the charm
"I then had the fantastic pleasure of creeping through that pitch-dark tunnel, where I lingered a little to listen to the singing in my

Today's obsession: Tolstoy and English kings
So which will I obsess over today? I didn't even realize as I was ordering them that I was pairing up my dueling obsessions: the Russian...

Uncommon book recommendations for 2017
Wearing Dad's Head, Barry Yourgrau. Changed my perceptions of what was possible, as a writer. And so much fun to read!