Bookniture: MoMA's collapsible origami stool
I want one. I just saw this clever stool from MoMA on The Millions' gift guide for writers. I want to finish my gay soldiers book with it...
Big B&N sale ends today
This weekend, it's 20% off your entire order (off the already discounted online price). code: GIVETHANKS. They rarely do this. Usually...
Autographed 'Columbine' copies in Chicago
I'm back in Chicago for a death in the family right now (which had the bonus of bringing me in for Thanksgiving.) I stopped in at a few...

Times of London examines America's mass murders
Josh Glancy did a great job in the Times of London examining why America keeps facing these mass murders. He quoted me extensively, and...

The Silmarillion, my favorite JRR Tolkien
I just reviewed a few books for Goodreads and decided to share one of them here: I read J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion after Lord of...

Huck Finn
I just ordered Huckleberry Finn, after discussing Mark Twain with a friend this weekend. I read it way too early in high school. Time to...

Autographed copies of 'Columbine'
I had to ride down toward SoHo to see my doc yesterday (small issue--plus time for my regular STD tests), so I stopped in McNally Jackson...

Korean media on new 'Columbine' translation
A Korean translation of Columbine was released this fall, and apparently it's drawing lots of positive coverage in Korea. (I have to take...