Booklist starred review for 'Parkland'
What a relief that the reviews are coming in positive. Booklist just gave Parkland a starred review*, opening: Cullen, the author of the...

Apple named me 1 of '10 authors to read in 2019'
This book launch has already been a bit of a thrill, but the biggest surprise so far came this week. AppleBooks created a special feature...

Kirkus dubs 'Parkland' a 'masterpiece'--1st review!
The first review just came in for Parkland: Birth of a Movement, and it's a starred review, from one of the 4 major advance-review pubs,...

Giveaway of 'Parkland' advance galleys
Big day. What a sight. The first box of galleys arrived last Wednesday for Parkland: Birth of a Movement.* (Sorry, I was a bit slow...
Chinese translation of COLUMBINE coming
Exciting news. A Chinese publisher just bought Columbine. When the book came out, I was kind of amazed by the reception in the U.S.,...