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National Coming Out Day (still matters)

It's National Coming Out Day, which gave me a quick, misguided chuckle. Coming out is still an ordeal some places. HRC's map where supporters pinned themselves today graphically illustrates where:

National Coming Out Day map, gay, HRC Human Rights Campaign

Look at the Interior West! It’s more barren than the Deep South.

When I ran beer and liquor sales for Denver Pridefest, I would help out carding and wrist-banding during the initial crush after the parade. Half the licenses were out of state, drawing all those lonely boys and girls from every one of sparse states toward the left side of the map.

And if you know The South, the Gulf Coast is far different from inland. You can see the Bible Belt in that map, too. But it’s also bleak in places I don’t usually think about, like northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Maine. Please support those folks. And remember them. I’m going to try.

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