Diving into Jennifer Egan's: "Manhattan Beach"
I was so excited to unwrap this!

Writing a bestseller doesn’t get you into clubs or fancy restaurants, but the one perk can be books. 😃👍🏾👍🏾
My favorite living author, Jennifer Egan, has a new book coming, so I emailed an old colleague at Simon & Schuster and the courier buzzed my apt the next day. I’m 85 pages in and quite taken. I will definitely keep you posted. Jennifer wrote A Visit From The Goon Squad, which is my favorite novel since Denis Johnson’s Jesus' Son, which makes 25 years.
If you couldn't tell from the pic, the new novel is Manhattan Beach and comes out from Scribner Oct 3.
Update: Well, you can't win them all. I didn't end up caring for this book. I did manage to finish it.