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CNN's The 90s: filming Columbine segment

CNN The 90s Nineties Columbine, terrorism Dave Cullen

I taped my segment in Chelsea (NYC) today. It's a 7-part documentary series, and Columbine will be part of the hour on terrorism. (Yikes. Also covered in the episode: OK City, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, etc. Each episode will be thematic, rather than chronological.)

Really impressive group of people creating it. I didn't realize until we were filming that it's Tom Hanks' production company, Playtone. They really knew their stuff, and were really approaching it thoughtfully.

And so many people! There were about 20 people just at the shoot! It takes an army. (Here is the really attentive make-up woman (sorry, I forgot your name now!) removing the last remnants of BobbySneakers from me. Haha. (Lots of corgi hair still clinging to my suit from last time I pulled it out.)

CNN The 90s Nineties Columbine, terrorism Dave Cullen

They don't have an air date yet, but I'll let u know when it gets close. #TheNineties

Dave Cullen CNN The Nineties Columbine, terrorism

May update:

I just got a message from the producers. The series is going launch on CNN Sunday, July, 9th at 9PM. I'll keep you updated on when our episode is airing.

Aug update:

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